Is there a time & a place for a dog buggy? Yes!
Many, many years ago, one gorgeous sunny day, I remember walking through Central London when I spotted a middle-aged woman approaching me, pushing a buggy. As she came closer I noticed this wasn't a 'normal' buggy. Why? Well instead of a baby, a dog was in there. I...
Easter Eggs for dogs: Fun or Misleading?
So you may have seen our recent post about 4 ways to protect your dogs at Easter. As chocolate can be poisonous for dogs, one of the tips was to keep your dog away from your Easter Eggs. Unfortunately some dog parents are still unaware of the dangers of them. Is it...
4 Reasons why Spring is pawfect for fun with dogs
Feel like a thief snuck in and stole your sleep last night? Well thank goodness there's an excellent reason for it. SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!! The clocks have gone forwards for another year, the lighter evenings have arrived and *hopefully* the weather will turn for the...
Dachshund Through The Snow! Ted & Millie in pictures
Well that was sNOw joke, wasn't it?!! Have you recovered from your very own version of 'Frozen' last week? I was utterly convinced I was going to see Elsa, Anna & Olaf walking past our house at one point! Whether we like it or not, snow is becoming...
Diagnosed with IVDD: Millie’s Story & Battle
So you might be wondering why we disappeared since relaunching our new website in November?!! Sadly everything came to a juddering halt for the worst possible reason; at the end of November, our dear Millie was struck down with IVDD (Intervertebral Disc...
Back doing what we love: Blogging About Dogs!
Well hello there!! To new readers...great to meet you! To loyal supporters...WE'RE BACK! We're sorry we haven't been blogging about dogs for a little while. Hopefully our new website will help you to forgive us! Let us tell you where we've been and what's...
A General Election Manifesto for Dogs!
So a historic day is upon us; today is the General Election!! Over the last 7 weeks, we've listened to the leading politicians but it got me thinking! What would happen if our dogs had their very own manifesto? With this in mind, I've dived into the thoughts of Ted...
Isn’t It Time To Respect Nature During Dog Walks?
Dear Fellow Dog Owners & Dog Lovers, First of all, I'd like to point out, I'm not a perfect dog owner. I don't get things right all the time. My dogs don't always behave and I certainly don't know it all (!) but despite all of this, something happened yesterday...
TWILIGHT BARK UK Recap: January – March ’17
Can you believe we're already through the first quarter of 2017?! I can't! The first 3 months of 2017 seem to have whizzed past in the blink of an eye. I thought it would be fun to recap what's been happening on the blog and behind the scenes...
Dogs Can Help Us Beat Blue Monday!
Monday 16th January is known this year as Blue Monday; officially the most depressing day of the year. Christmas is over, we're all back to work, the weather is miserable and our resolutions are most likely failing (and in addition to all of that, we often find...
The TWILIGHT BARK UK Hot List, 2017! (Ones To Watch)
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Can you believe it?!! I can't!! 2016 was our year for growth and preparation...2017 is the time for ACTION (and have we got a packed schedule for you!?!) Woohoo!! To kick off, I'd like to share our 'Hot List' for 2017! These...
Welcome to the brand new… TWILIGHT BARK UK!
After months of hard work, blood, sweat and tears (!) it's finally here!! Ted, Millie and I are soooooooo excited to welcome you to the new and improved...TWILIGHT BARK UK!!! WHY THE CHANGE?! A few months ago, TWILIGHT BARK UK turned one. Nope, we didn't make a song...
A Big Thank You & Some Good News From Ted!!
If you read my latest blog post or follow us across social media, you'll know Ted had to undergo surgery recently to remove yet another suspicious lump lurking underneath his skin, like a shark in the shallows! There's nothing worse when your dog is sick,...
The one downside to sharing your life with a dog…
There’s only one downside to sharing your life with a dog in my opinion…the moment they’re unwell (and you realise your dog may not be around forever). I have had my fair share of minor Vet visits lately with Ted & Millie (thanks you two!!) This...
Sometimes all you need is your dog…
Last week you may (or may not!) have noticed we were a little quieter than usual across social media. There was a good reason. Sometimes we all need time away for quiet reflection and I realised I hadn't done that for a year (& never with Ted!) Feeling...
#WeAreBetterWithPets: Join The Movement!
We’re very passionate about the amazing bond between dogs and humans and since we’ve been blogging, we’ve been fortunate enough to witness the importance of this bond time and time again. From our personal visits to amazing charities like Veterans with...
Our New Column For The Good Vet & Pet Guide
If you read our latest blog post (thank you!) you may have seen we said we had an exciting announcement!! As you know, we're very careful about teaming up with people, charities, products etc which we believe in and they all have one thing in common; their love of...
Our first few months as a dog blog! Review of the year!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We hope you have had the most amazing Christmas with you family, friends (and dogs of course!) and feel well rested and ready to begin the start of a new year. Speaking of new year, with the start of 2016 upon us, it is only natural for us to feel...
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