So a historic day is upon us; today is the General Election!! Over the last 7 weeks, we’ve listened to the leading politicians but it got me thinking! What would happen if our dogs had their very own manifesto? With this in mind, I’ve dived into the thoughts of Ted & Millie and ‘together’ we’ve created their individual General Election manifesto for dogs! Which policies will be best for YOUR dog?!! Time to get your polling cards at the ready, it’s time to VOTE…
Is YOUR dog on the go all the time?!! Would they want more activities made available to them? Do they dislike rules and want more opportunities? Then Millie has the manifesto, just for you!! Vote Millie…
Does YOUR dog just want to be with you at all times?!! Do they want more opportunities to be made available so they can be with you? Does your dog think there should be fair ‘payment’ for photographs?! Then Ted has just the manifesto for you!! Vote Ted!!
So you’ve seen the manifesto for Ted and Millie! Who would YOUR dog vote for in this pawsome election?! More importantly, what do you think YOUR dog would add to their own manifesto?! We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Hope you’ve enjoyed our lighthearted take on an historical day! Whoever you vote for today in the General Election, we hope you’re happy with the outcome. I often think the world would be a much better place if politicians and their policies had the same approach to life as dogs – love hard, work hard for rewards, be faithful, protect others, support one another. Wouldn’t that be a great place to live!?! HAPPY ELECTION DAY!!
Sarah, Ted & Millie xxx
Daisy has said she’d like to add the following!
* Dogs can roll in poo whenever they want.
* Washing off of any kind of poo is banned.
* Dogs can eat whatever they want, including the above.
* Human plates must be cleaned by dogs.
* Humans must not be allowed to dress their dogs in any kind out outfits apart from coats when very cold.
* No teeth brushing!
LOVE this, Rachel!! I think Daisy has some very valid points to be added to the manifesto! Millie is particularly fond of the “dogs can roll in poo whenever they want” point! Thanks for joining in xxx
Woody would like to add compulsory swimming trips twice a day, with the rule for him being allowed anywhere in the house (even the human bed) once he returns all soggy. Wilma would love it if everything in the house could be fluffy – sofas, beds, tables etc because she just adores to de fluff it all!
Ooh these are great ones, Megan!! Thought Woody may have a water-based manifesto addition!! Think Millie would like to add this to hers too! Wilma’s de fluff is very appealing to Ted!! Hilarious! Thanks for joining in. Happy Voting Day!! xx
All very valid points from Ted and Millie!
On my manifesto I’d have…
☆ Free cheese for all
☆ Controlled cat numbers
☆ Access ramps to all sofas and beds
☆ Mondays and Fridays to be added to the weekends so humans spend more time catering to out every whim
☆ All meals to have side dish of chiggin
☆ Have ‘Polling Station’ signs no higher than 1 foot off the ground to allow dachshund owners greater ease of photo opportunities during General Elections!
☆ Introduction of ‘The Belly Rub Bill’ – whereby all humans must issue belly rubs to dachshunds when asked
☆ All dogs to be given ‘Dog Toy Allowance’ and receive 250 toys annually
These are excellent, Fraggle!! Particular faves are ‘The Belly Rub Bill’ and a limit to the height of the ‘Polling Station’ signs!! Made me laugh so much! Thanks for joining in xxx
Great manifesto Ted and Milly! 🐾
Teddy & Lilly would like to add a couple of extras 🐕
🐾 No humans to EVER smell of another dog
🐾 ALL humans to ask for permission before being
allowed under the duvet
🐾 Steak at least once a week
🐾 Tricks to only ever be done for pork sausages
🐾 And finally….. Humping allowed! 😉
Oh these are FAB, Sue!!! Teddy & Lilly have come up with some corkers!! Humping allowed was my particular favourite!!! Haha! Ted & Millie are also loving the idea of steak and sausages policies!! You’d have their vote for sure! Thanks so much for joining in xxx
Holly believes
* Food must be available every time I bark
* Neck tickles and massages on demand
* Water in my bowl must be replaced by Woof Dog Beer every weekend
* Humping cushion must always travel with me when we go on holidays.
* Poling stations should be replaced with *paw* ling stations!
1 vote for millie from lola for active , 1 vote for teddy from alfie for lap dog and cuddles