Dog skin conditions can crop up throughout the year, but some dogs really do tend to struggle during the summer months. So if your dog has a skin condition, what do you do?!! With more and more dog parents showing interest in holistic treatments, I recently spoke with Jo Boughton-White, Director of Dorwest (who have been helping dogs for 70 years, so they know their stuff!) We talked through some common dog skin conditions (& how to help them both from the inside & outside!)
Walking through lush, green grass on a bright summers day can be heaven for some, but for many dogs, it can turn into quite the nightmare! I’ve seen a lot of people posting on social media about their dogs suffering with grass allergies. I always assumed it was a reaction to the grass pollen which causes the problem (which it does) but it could also be because of the actual contact with the grass too. Our dogs run sooooo fast through the grass sometimes, don’t they?! If it’s happening regularly (which dogs tend to do even more in the summer months) they’re more likely to become sore from running through it when it comes into contact with their skin. I’d never thought of this previously, but it makes complete sense to me!
So why not consider alternative dog walking adventures! Mix up your dog walking schedule & give yourself a good excuse to discover some new walking venues! From cool woodlands to nature reserves with pathways, there are plenty of places to explore which takes you away from grass. We recently visited The National Trust at Stowe, which had a variety of grass AND pathways to walk on…
If your dog is exposed to grass, one great tip suggested by Jo, is to wipe your dog down when you return home from walkies. This provides relief initially (plus it’s a lovely way to cool down!). By doing so, it also ensure any grass seeds, pollen etc doesn’t make its way to your dog’s bed or anywhere they lie down regularly. Otherwise they’re essentially being exposed to the grass all the time!
If your dog needs a little more help with overcoming such an allergy, you may wish to consider trying two of these very popular supplements: 1) Green Releaf (anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine & anti-bacterial & pain-relieving properties) and/or 2) Garlic & Fenugreek (these tablets have antibiotic, antiseptic and anti-viral & anti-inflammatory properties).
Plus these two supplements work even better together (if you want to try, don’t miss out on their special combo deal until the 10th June!) Other options include their soothing shampoo & another helpful supplement, Omega Star, which I’ll dive into in more depth when looking at other common dog skin conditions below…
*Worth noting, Dorwest is the only brand which creates herbal medicines which are licensed!
We all like to cool down in the summer sun and for a lot of dogs, this can often either mean a dip in some water! This can range from a paddling pool in the garden OR a paddle in the sea (if you’re near a beach which allows dogs) OR even a swim in a lake (although please be careful!) Whilst it’s lovely for our dogs to cool down, sometimes the combination of the sunshine and water can really dry out the coats of our four-legged friends leading to a number of dog skin conditions. Your dogs coat can also end up full of sand & silt. The end result can be sensitive skin…
In the first instance, wherever you’ve been for walkies, it makes sense to wipe down & brush off any excess ‘treats’ added to your dogs coat from Mother Nature, as you won’t want your dog to have a full on bath every single time they get a bit wet or dirty! Removing excess skin & loose hair as well, by using a good quality dog brush or wet cloth, can not only be great to help sensitive skin in the long run, but it can also be a great bonding opportunity between you & your dog.
When it does come to bath time though, I’m always overly cautious! When it comes to using shampoo on Ted’s skin, it can be particularly sensitive. I always want to ensure he’s not exposed to chemicals, so for me, the Dorwest Oatmeal Advance Shampoo with Lavender seems really appealing. Not only due to it natural ingredients, but because of its natural soothing properties…
It’s hypoallergenic with no artificial colours, fragrances or chemical foaming agents such as SLS or SLES (take a peek at your dogs current shampoo & avoid those agents where you can!) I have to admit, it smells absolutely dreamy too! I’m tempted to try it myself, never mind on Ted & Millie! Neither are due a bath at the moment, but I will be grabbing this from the bathroom cabinet the moment they are! I can’t wait…
There are a lot of extra creepy crawlies out during this time of year, including ticks & fleas, so if your dog starts to become a little more itchy than normal, always be sure to rule these out first by speaking with your Vet and ensuring your dog receives protection from these nasties! Once those are ruled out, the shampoo mentioned above could be a great starting point to help rejuvenate skin & provide soothing relief on the outside.
In terms of helping from the inside, I’ve heard AMAZING things about the Dorwest Omega Star supplement. Whether your dog has itchy skin or is suffering with a bit of hair loss, which can also be common during the summer months, this could potentially help! Omega Star can be used daily throughout the year and can help to reduce dry skin & maintain silky skin thereafter!
It does this because it is made with a combination of Flaxseed Oil, Borage Oil & Blackcurrant Seed Oil. If this wasn’t enough, it also contains Omega 3 & Omega 6. All of these ingredients help regulate skin renewal and help to improve coat condition. Sounds like dogs will constantly feel as though they’ve stepped out of a 5* hair salon! I’m definitely going to try this with Ted & Millie! Plus it’s really simple to administer, as you just add some to your dogs food, simple!
Check out my full Facebook LIVE interview with Jo! We cover a good number of dog skin conditions & offer a variety of tips which could help your dog (or even a friend’s dog!) You’ll be the fountain of knowledge after watching it! Plus Dorwest have a special 25% sale on their skin care range until Sunday 10th June (& you’ll receive free delivery when you subscribe to their newsletter!) Winner!!
Join our Facebook Live about common skin conditions in dogs (& how we can help relieve them!)
Posted by Dorwest Herbs on Thursday, 24 May 2018
Does your dog have a skin condition? Have you tried herbal remedies to help soothe them? I’d love to hear what you think! Pop a comment below. If you have any extra questions, speak to Jo or the amazing Dorwest team via their dedicated one-to-one advice line.
In the meantime, have a great Summer with your dog! Hopefully you’ll be on the road to keeping any pesky dog skin conditions at bay so you & your dog can focus solely on having fun in the sun!
Sarah, Ted & Millie xxx
*This post is sponsored by Dorwest