Well congratulations, you’ve made it through the day and what better way to round it off, than with a round-up of just a few of the other amazing things Blue Cross do for our canine friends! You know you want to!! There is just so much to say about all the work they do, but this is our last post for Blue Cross for now (no tears please!!), so lets give them the best send off possible! Come and join us to find out more…
Blue Cross understand the importance of protecting dogs in all manner of ways, so they provide a programme within their hospitals (and as part of special ‘on the road’ schemes) which offer the following:
To ensure if a dog becomes lost (god forbid!) he or she can be returned quickly. This obviously means happy owners (I know I would be beyond distraught if Ted became lost), but it also means dogs are kept out of the many rehoming centres, which are already stretched to capacity! Blue Cross have a number of centres, which we’ll mention further at the end of this blog post. With Microchipping being a legal requirement by next year, Blue Cross are helping make sure our furry friends are registered, protecting not only the dogs of today but also the future. It also makes owners more accountable.
Given the number of dogs sitting and waiting patiently for homes in the rehoming centres across the UK, Blue Cross are all too aware of the need to neuter pets. There is a perception amongst some that neutering can harm pets (obviously it can’t!); that a female dog should be allowed a litter of puppies as it’s ‘natural’ or that it somewhat detracts from the status of a dog if their ‘Christmas baubles’ are removed (though if you have a dog as a status you probably shouldn’t have the dog at all in my opinion!) However, whilst Blue Cross obviously can’t force owners to do this, by providing detailed information in an effective manner, this means that they successfully neuter many dogs every year. The above is a picture of Ted when perhaps he realised he was missing something between his legs a few years ago…!!) That doesn’t stop him from having fun with a cushion from his bed every now and again though (much to my dismay when he does it in front of my friends and family!)
As any good dog owner knows, vaccinations are so important to protect against illnesses such as Parvo and distemper. Unfortunately many owners either can’t afford or are unaware of the importance of having their dogs vaccinated. Again, with careful explanation and a significantly subsidised fee (e.g. the only cost is the actual drug, not the administration of the drug by the vet), Blue Cross work together with owners to ensure more dogs are protected and we don’t see a repeat of the huge Parvo outbreak which was witnessed years ago (and hopefully we won’t again).
Blue Cross work with a number of communities as well as other charities and organisations to help shift perceptions relating to dog ownership. For example, they work with young offenders who may have been tempted in the past to own a dog as a status symbol or even be used as weapons in some cases. Even when speaking with people about topics such as this, or even about vaccinations etc as mentioned above, Blue Cross are keen for any message they provide to be heard. They often work with members of the community, who are perhaps more relatable and therefore able to drive the message home far further. As we all know, sometimes it’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it and this is something Blue Cross have realised and used to help promote better relationships and ultimate protection of dogs.
So I could write so much more about the animal hospital of Blue Cross, but it’s time for Ted and I to hit the road properly and meet some others along the way (and hopefully some of you and your dogs reading this too, which would be lovely!) Before we pop back in our car though, it is important to point out Blue Cross also have 11 adoption centres for dogs which are located around the UK and they have many beautiful boys and girl waiting for a home (maybe it’s yours??!!) If you think it’s time to add to your family, then do check out the website listed at the end, as I have no doubt there would be a very happy dog (and charity) if you decided too!! You can also make a donation to them if you have enjoyed what you have read over these 4 blog posts or even sponsor a pet! The choice is yours!
Finally, I couldn’t have written this without the help of the Victoria Animal Hospital Manager, Steven Broomfield, so I would like to say a huge THANK YOU again to him and his incredible team for welcoming me to the hospital a few weeks ago. It was an absolute privilege and a memory I will savour for a long time.
Anyway come back soon, as we have some exciting places, charities and topics to talk about over the next few weeks. Click to follow our blog, as you don’t want to miss out!
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